“We will forever be thankful”

Thank you for making our special day as special as it was. The ceremony was small, intimate and it was everything we wanted it to be and more. Finding a celebrant during this pandemic was not easy, Shelley was so lovely and accepted to officiate our wedding. We will forever be thankful.

Vanessa and Eric

Vanessa and Eric, approached me at the height of Covid restrictions in Adelaide during 2020. With family who had flown into Australia from Kenya, for the wedding and were in the middle of isolating and quarantining at their home.

The garden ceremony was held at the family home and was just beautiful, made even more loving with the presence of the international family.

Despite restrictions on numbers, there was so much love present on this day.

The sun shone almost as brightly as their love.


‘…Shelley was great…’


“We loved your open mind …”